Wednesday, 23 September 2009


There are nine listings of these delightfully adorned lace bobbins on ebay at the moment. Some are sitting, simmering and being "watched" and a couple are already in double figures.  There will be more to come but only a dozen or so at a time. If you collect particular bobbin styles please get in touch with me to see what I have.

This lovely one is spangled with turquoise.

This spangle comprises semi-precious stone beads and a pewter scottie dog.

And these hollow glass bobbins are filled with seed beads and an engraved glass pin.

Find these on , listed under LACE BOBBINS.

I am thinking about listing on ebay.usa but for things like these, the postage is minimal and I can easily send stuff abroad.

Cheers Gillian

1 comment:

  1. Well done Diana. She aptly defined BIMMLER as something which causes astnishment. Bobbins on the way!!!
    Cheers Gillian
